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02 交通 (第4/8页)
。 owen: hi, taxi! 欧文:嗨,出租车! driver: yes, sir. where to? 司机:先生,您去哪儿? owen: pacific building, please. 欧文:太平洋大厦。 driver: ok, no problem. 司机:好的,没问题。 (oaxi) (在出租车上) owen: excuse me, what's the s on the back of the seat for? 欧文:不好意思,请问一下,座位后面的那个屏幕是干什么的? driver: it's a portable multimedia. it's a popular thing now. 司机:这是个移动多媒体,现在非常流行。 owen: oh, that's o me. so what's on everyday? 欧文:哦,对我来说这真是个新鲜事物。它每天都播放些什么? driver: it's mainly about current affairs, music, food and travel information and so on. 司机:时事新闻、音乐、食品和旅游信息等等。 owen: it is very useful, i think. 欧文:我认为这很有用。 driver: yes, there is something good and informative. i think that many people begin to realize the value of public media. 司机:是啊,有些内容非常好,而且信息量也非常大。我想很多人都意识到了公共媒体的价值。 owen: sure it is. 欧文:确实是这样。 driver: yeah. you know driving is b. tv get me out of the fatigue of driving. 司机:是啊。你知道,驾驶是非常乏味的。电视可以解除我开车的疲劳。 owen: it also eain your passengers like me. 欧文:而且它还能给像我一样的乘客带来娱乐。 driver: that's the point. 司机:你说对了。 notes 1. s [skri:n] n. 屏风,帘,纱窗;掩护物;屏幕;v. 遮蔽;掩护;放映(电影),播放(电视节目) 2. portable [?p?:t?b?l] adj. 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的 3. realize [?ri?laiz] v. 实现;了解,认识到;变卖;赚得 4. b [?b?:ri?] adj. 无趣的,单调的,乏味的 5. fatigue [f??ti:g] n. 疲劳,劳累 小贴士 1. we o take a cab to get there earlier. 我们需要坐出租车,以便早点儿赶到那儿。 2. it's hard to get a taxi now. how about taking a bus? 现在很难打到车。坐公交车怎么样? 3. what's the rate per kilometer? 每公里多少钱? 4. it's a taxi-rank. it's easier to take a taxi there. 那有一个计程车候客站。在那里打的容易一点。 5. i put the luggage into the trunk? 我可以把行李放到后备箱里吗? 6. beiji railway station, please. 去北京西站。