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04 销售服务 (第3/4页)
isk is mainly for the systems. you ge the route to other disks if you set up dots. 店家:是的。c盘主要是系统文件。如果你建立新文件的话可以修改路径到别的盘。 sally: i got it. could you help me with the c disk this time? 萨莉:我明白了。这次你能帮我整理一下c盘吗? seller: no problem. 店家:没问题。 notes 1. freeze [fri:z] v.(使)结冰;n. 冻结,冰冻;凝固,静止 2. hardware [?hɑ:dw??] n. 硬件 3. virus [?vai?r?s] n. 病毒,病毒性疾病;恶毒,恶意 4. i [i] v.(受)传染;污染;影响 5. activate [??ktiveit] v. 使活动,起动;触发,激活 6. effitl [i'fi??ntli] adv.效率高地,有效地 7. validity [v??liditi] n. 有效(期),效力,合法性;正当,正确 8. route [ru:t] n. 路,路途,路线,路程 小贴士 1. i often maintain my puter occasionally at certain intervals. 我经常每隔一段时间就把电脑维修一次。 2. what is the validity of this tv? 这台电视的保修期是多长时间? 3. please keep your warranty card well. you o show that when you want a maintaining service. 请妥善保管保修卡。如果你需要维修服务时,请出示保修卡。 4. have you fihe repairing of my car? 我的车修好了吗? 5. it is always free of charge whenever you need a repair. 随时免费进行维修。 6. you call this number if you need a repairing service. 如果需要维修服务就打这个电话。 退换货物 dialogue the high-heel shoes emily just bought have been worn out. 埃米莉刚买的高跟鞋坏了。 emily: the high-heel shoes have been worn out. the heel of the left shoe was broken. 埃米莉:这双高跟鞋出问题了,左鞋跟坏了。 seller: i'm sorry, madam. how long have you kept this pair of shoes from here? 店家:很抱歉,女士。您买这双鞋有多久了? emily: about one week. 埃米莉:大概一周。 seller: ok, acc to the guarantee, we'll c