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The Ordination (第1/3页)
the ordination
for sehey little owe tal heav'n—
to please the mob, they hide the little giv'n.
kilmarnock wabsters, fidge an' claw,
an' pour your creeshie nations;
an' ye wha leather rax an' draw,
of a' denominations;
swith to the ligh kirk, ane an' a'
an' there tak up your stations;
then aff to begbie's in a raw,
an' pour divine libations
for joy this day.
curst on-sehat imp o' hell,
cam in wi' maggie lauder;
but oliphant aft made her yell,
an' russell sair misca'd her:
this day malay taks the flail,
ahe boy will blaud her!
he'll clap a shangan oail,
ahe bairns to daud her
wi' dirt this day.
mak haste an' turn king david owre,
and lilt wi' holy gor;
o' double verse e gie us four,
an' skirl up the bangor:
this day the kirk kicks up a stoure;
nae mair the knaves shall wrang her,
for heresy is in her pow'r,
and gloriously she'll whang her
wi' pith this day.
e, let a proper text be read,
an' touch it aff wi' vigour,
how graceless ham leugh at his dad,
which made aan a nigger;
or phineas drove the murdering blade,
wi' whore-abh rigour;
or zipporah, the scauldin jad,
was like a bluidy tiger
i' th' inn that day.
there, try his mettle on the creed,
an' bind him down wi' caution,
that stipend is a al weed
he taks by for the fashion;