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Glossary (第15/27页)
gle-lowe, ingle-low, flame of the fire. i'se, i shall, or will. itsel', itself. ither, other, another. jad, a jade. janwar, january. jauk, to trifle, to dally. jauner, gabber. jauntie, dim. of jaunt. jaup, splash. jaw, talk, impudence. jaw, to throw, to dash. jeeg, to jog. jillet, a jilt. jimp, small, slender. jimply, ly. jimps, stays. jink, the slip. jink, to frisk, to sport, to dodge. jinker, dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer. jirki, bodice. jirt, a jerk. jiz, a wig. jo, a sweetheart. jocteleg, a clasp-knife. jouk, to duck, to cover, to dodge. jow, to jow, a verb whicluded both the swinging motion and pealing sound of a large bell (r. b.). jumpet, jumpit, jumped. juo jostle. jurr, a servant wench. kae, a jackdaw. kail, kale, the colewort; cabbage; scots' broth. kail-blade, the leaf of the colewort. kail-gullie, a cabbage knife. kail-runt, the stem of the colewort. kail-whittle, a cabbage knife. kail-yard, a kit garden. kain, kane, rents in kind. kame, a b. kebars, rafters. kebbuck, a cheese; a kebbuck heel = the last crust of a cheese. keckle, to cackle, to giggle. keek, look, glance. keekin-glass, the looking-glass. keel, red chalk. kelpies, river demons. ken, to know. kenna, know not. kennin, a very little (merely as much as be perceived). kep, to catch. ket, the flee a sheep's body. key, quay. kiaugh, ay. kilt, to tuck up. kimmer, a wench, a gossip; a wife. kin', kind. king's-hood, the 2d stoma a ruminant (equivocal for the s). kintra, try. kirk, church. kirn, a . kirn, harvest home. kirsen, to christen. kist, chest, ter. kit, to relish. kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle. kittl