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Glossary (第17/27页)
e. lowin, lowing, flaming, burning. lown, v. loon. lowp, v. loup. lowse, louse, to untie, let loose. lucky, a grandmother, an old woman; an ale wife. lug, the ear. lugget, having ears. luggie, a per. lum, the ey. lume, a loom. lunardi, a balloon bo. lunches, full portions. lunt, a n of smoke or steam. luntin, smoking. luve, love. lyart, gray in general; discolored by decay or old age. lynin, lining. mae, more. mailen, mailin, a farm. mailie, molly. mair, more. maist. most. maist, almost. mak, make. mak o', make o', to pet, to fondle. mall, mally. manteele, a mantle. mark, merk, an old scots (13 1-3d. sterling). mashlum, of mixed meal. maskin-pat, the teapot. maukin, a hare. maun, must. maunna, mustn't. maut, malt. mavis, the thrush. mawin, mowing. mawn, mown. mawn, a large basket. mear, a mare. meikle, mickle, muckle, much, great. melder, a grinding . mell, to meddle. melvie, to powder with meal-dust. men', mend. meact, discretion, politeness. menseless, unmannerly. merle, the blackbird. merran, marian. mess john, mass john, the parish priest, the minister. messin, a cur, a mongrel. midden, a dunghill. midden-creels, manure-baskets. midden dub, midden puddle. midden-hole, a gutter at the bottom of the dunghill. milking shiel, the milking shed. mim, prim, affectedly meek. mim-mou'd, prim-lipped. min', mind, remembrance. mind, to remember, to bear in mind. minnie, mother. mirk, dark. misca', to miscall, to abuse. mishanter, mishap. mislear'd, mischievous, unmannerly. mistak, mistake. misteuk, mistook. mither, mother. mixtie-maxtie, fused. monie, many. mools, crumblih, grave. moop, to nibble