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第155节 (第2/3页)
流产也不能嘲笑他。做好心理准备,却在他开口的瞬间收获满满的惊喜,再听感觉旋律分外熟悉,是暌违已久的《my love will get you home》 “if you wander off to far my love will get you home if you follow the wrong star my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lost and all alone get ba your feet and think of me my love will get you home baby my love will get you home if the bright lights blinds your eyes my love will get you home if your troubles break your stride my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lost and all alone get ba your feet and think of me my love will get you home baby my love will get you home if you ever feel ashamed my love will get you home when there's only you to blame my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lost and all alone get ba your feet and think of me my love will get you home baby my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lost and all alone get ba your feet and think of me my love will get you home baby my love will get you home baby my love will get you home” 他浅吟低唱,歌声似一本精美相册,带她回顾相识的点点滴滴。那一幕幕当时只道是平常,在回忆润色下或浪漫温馨或愁肠百结,或催人泪下或惊心动魄的场景像色彩缤纷的鲜花在她心间徐徐绽放。 因为他,她邂逅一段奇缘,有了追逐梦想的勇气,战胜灾难的力量,还有与幸福相遇的幸运。 曲终,冷阳步下舞台,朝她走来,她离座迎上去,相拥的刹那泪盈于睫。 “你骗人,明明唱得那么好听,还说自己五音不全。” “哪有啊,这首歌我练了一百多遍才敢拿出来献丑,好不好听不打紧,关键是你能明白我的心意。” 他在她耳边许柔情无限地许愿:“无论你走到哪里,我的爱都会为你照亮回家的路。” 她用力点头,泪水和欢