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第160页 (第2/2页)
elp the other side to open up. Men are lower body thinking animals, this sentenetimes think really quite right. At least, he feels, Peng Yifei this guy really is only for the lower half thinking, at the same time you great bastard regardless of other people mood. He wants to stop every time, every time because of pity each other dare not do malicious, the result is said by the other side is Yang/impotenot a man... After that, the 忄 born love between them bees abnormal unspeakable. Which man is not said to be a man, are will be male! Faouched the bow to each other's sweat, looked at each other because of the pleasure of red tide, listening to the overflow to the other broken mouth "sing couldn't help wonder, is really a feed pulp know taste, pletely wayward cool guy. At this thought his movements became more violent. You 't fuck him. "Fang ye, I love you very much. Ah ah ah, I love you. The man at the bottom suddenly let out a high scream. ……嗯,cao死还是算了。 一切偃旗息鼓,方晔摸着对方汗渍渍的身体,享受着他们的余韵。彭毅飞翻了个身,把方晔抱在自己的怀里,高兴地用下巴蹭了蹭对方的头发,懒洋洋,很舒服的样子。 方晔被他糊了一头发的汗水,忍不住道:“快去洗澡。” “不急。”彭毅飞似乎有点累,他微微撑起上身,然后看了一眼床边床头柜上的手机时间。“才刚刚八点多,不过缴械了三小时。” 方晔:…… “求你闭嘴。”方晔真的觉得好无奈。 彭毅飞没闭嘴。“反正我不去,我要躺一会,要么你抱我去。” 方晔沉默片刻,然后穿上衣服裤子,下了床。彭毅飞的眼睛立刻跟随着他转动,“干嘛呢你?” 方晔没说话,直接用行动说明自己的想法。 他直接俯身把彭毅飞横抱了起来。 “喂,不行,快放我下来!” 同样身高的男人横抱他,让彭毅飞稍微有点恐惧,彭毅飞甩了下双腿,慌忙抱紧了方晔的脖颈。 方晔低头看了眼紧抱着他的彭毅飞,无声地笑了。 而这时,铃声,突然响了。 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 连锁四章,我受不了了 第89章 意外电话 方晔下意识看了眼床头柜。 彭毅飞也停下了他抗拒的动作。 然后,他像是突然想到了什么,直接推了一把方晔,“好了,把我放下来吧。” 方晔便把他放了下来,然后彭毅飞直接拿了衣服进了洗手间,“我去清理一下,你先帮我接个电话。” “好。”本来方晔就是担心那东西呆在对方的身体里头会让他不舒服,现在既然对方已经去清洗了,他也就放心了。 于是,彭毅飞就进了卫生间,而方晔就直接走到了床头柜边,拿起了彭毅飞的手机。手机屏幕上显示的,竟然是彭毅飞的母亲——闻贞。 他的手指在屏幕上微微停顿了下,最终还是接通放在了自己耳边。 “儿子?”闻贞的声音很平静。 “你好,伯母。”方晔开口问好。