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House cat and wild cat 01 (第2/2页)
ter, The little wild cat said: Later, the domestic cat followed me and lived an ant-like life without a meal. Cat Six said: Then what happened ter, The little wild cat said: Later, after three days, he returned to the mansion cat den, Cat Six said: Is it really so difficult to live in the outside world? The little wild cat said: If a flower in a greenhouse does not have the ability to grow on its own, why should it run as a wild flower? Cat Six said: The flowers in the greenhouse are lonely and lonely, The little wild cat said: little sister, parasitic mansion, is also a kind of ability, be silent for a moment, A fsh of light fshed over the cat&039; s head above the neck of the little wild cat. Say slowly: Little sister, we will bee god sisters. In the side wall of the backyard of the mansion, dig a cat hole, When you eat at noon, you bring your meal to the kitten&039; s hole, We both eat and chat, So you won&039; t be lonely anymore Cat Six said: What about dinner? The little wild cat said: I don&039; t eat after noon. I&039; m used to it outside. the day, The cat hole in the side wall of the backyard of the mansion, There are two cats. while eating, while chatting, Chatting and ughing...