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02 沟通协商 (第4/8页)
extremely trolling and overbearing. 埃文:是呀,这样就有利于创造一个积极的工作环境,并能激励员工。和单打独斗比起来我更喜欢团队合作。我过去的老板控制欲就特别强,还很专横。 zina: well, now you don't have to worry about that. your new place sounds really good. 吉娜:现在你就不必担心了,你的新工作听起来真不错。 notes 1. corporate culture 企业文化 2. assign [?'sain] v. 分配,指派;归因,确定;n. 受让人,接受财产等转让的人 3. get into the swing of 开始熟悉 4. overbearing ['?uv?'b??ri?] adj. 傲慢的,骄傲自大的,蛮横的 小贴士 team spirit i years has beeing more and more attention by the enterprise operators and has been adopted by most of them. obviously, dictatorial ma behavior hased any more in modern society. ing of the role of team means large loss in the operation of the business. in order to enhahe team cohesion, team spirit training arises at the historient. 近年来团队合作受到企业经营者越来越多的关注,并且被大多数采用。显然,在当代社会,个人独裁的管理行为已经不复存在。忽视团队的作用就意味着在经营中会产生巨大损失。为了提高团队的凝聚力,团队合作培训就应运而生了。 what makes a good team? 1. the members work towards a on objective. 2. the members co-operate fully with each other. 3. the members trust each other. 4. the members share information effectively withieam. 5. the members listen to different points of view. 6. they talk openly and holy withieam. 7. when people are under pressure, others offer help. 如何成为一个优秀的团队? 1. 团队成员要为一个共同的目标努力。 2. 成员之间相互密切合作。 3. 成员之间相互信任。 4. 团队能够有效地分享信息资源。 5. 成员之间善于听取意见。 6. 成员之间话题公开,坦诚相对。 7. 遇到压力时,成员间会互相帮助。 期待更详细的资料 dialogue david is calling his er to increase the possibility of successful cooperation. 戴维正在给客户打电话以增加合作成功的可能性。 david: hello, this is david white from abpany. may i speak to mr. smith? 戴维:你好,我是abc公司的戴维·怀特。我找史密斯先生。 mr. smith: speaking. what i do for you, mr. white? 史密斯先生:我就是。请问有什么事,怀特先生? david: i'm sorry to bother you. i was