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04 景区好风光 (第1/4页)
04 景区好风光 风景这边独好 dialogue paul goes to climb a mountain with his girlfriend ali a rare free weekend. 保罗利用难得的周末时间和女朋友爱丽丝去爬山。 paul: it's a nice day today. the air on the mountain is very fresh. 保罗:今天天气真好,山上的空气很新鲜。 alice: the weather is so crazy. it rained cats and dogs last night, but cleared up in the m. 爱丽丝:天气真是变化无常。昨晚还下着瓢泼大雨,但是早晨就变晴了。 paul: i worried last night that we couldn't climb the mountain today. e on, alice. 保罗:我昨晚还担心今天不能爬山呢。快点,爱丽丝。 alice: paul, wait for me. i am very tired and i need a rest. 爱丽丝:保罗,等等我。我太累了,需要休息一下。 paul: what about taking the cable car? 保罗:乘坐缆车怎么样? alice: attaboy, that's just what i am thinking. 爱丽丝:太好了,这正是我所想的。 paul: wow, there are so many people waiting for the cable car. 保罗:哇,这么多人在等缆车啊。 alice: honey, be patient. it's better to wait than to climb with my legs broken. 爱丽丝:亲爱的,耐心点。等总比爬得筋疲力尽要好的多。 paul: alice, look ahead in the distahe mountains there. they soar all the to the sky. 保罗:爱丽丝,往远处看,那里的山高耸入云。 alice: yeah, the sery is beautiful. 爱丽丝:是啊,这儿的景色真美。 paul: we should take some pictures here. 保罗:我们应该在这儿拍些照片。 alice: yes, of course. 爱丽丝:是的,当然。 notes 1. crazy [?kreizi] adj. 发疯的;疯狂的;荒唐的;狂热爱好的;着迷的 2. cable [?keib?l] n.(船只、桥梁等上的)巨缆, 钢索;电缆 3. soar [s?:] v. 高耸,屹立;高飞,翱翔;猛增 4. fresh [fre?] adj. 新鲜的;新的,新近的;精神饱满的;另外的,外加的;重新的;(水)淡的 小贴士 1. cats and dogs 指下着瓢泼大雨。 关于这一短语出处有很多种说法。其中一种说法是在古老的伦敦,一场倾盆大雨后常常是汪洋一片,淹死许多迷路的狗和猫。因此,雨停,水退后,满街死狗死猫