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02 购物过程 (第2/5页)
dialogue may wants to buy a dust coat with a lower cost online. 梅想在网上以更低的价格来买一件风衣。 may: hi. do you have this dust coat in stock? 梅:你好,请问一下这件风衣有货吗? seller: hi. yes, what size do you want? 卖家:有货。你要多大号的? may: large. do you have any other colors? 梅:大号。还有别的颜色吗? seller: yes, there are three crey,blad white. but the only size we have left in black is large. 卖家:有的。有灰色、黑色和白色三种颜色,但黑色的只剩下大号了。 may: good, black is what i want… you lower the price a little bit? 梅:不错,黑色正是我想要的。能便宜一些吗? seller: sorry. that's the lowest price. 卖家:不好意思,这是最低价了。 may: i'll take two if you give me a dist. 梅:如果再便宜一点我就买两件。 seller: how about 500 yuan for two? and i'll send it to you for tree. 卖家:这样吧,两件500元,包邮。 notes 1. dust coat 风衣 2. lower [?l?u?] v.(使)降低,(使)跌落;削弱,削减;adj. 较低的,低等的 3. dist [?diskaunt] n. 数目;折扣;v. 打折扣,减价出售 小贴士 1. this is the lowest price. i 't lower it any more. 这是最便宜的价钱了,不能再低了。 2. i'll buy it if the price is cheaper than this. 如果再便宜一点我就买。 3. as a frequent er in the shop, i think it is reasoo give a cheaper price. 作为店中的常客,我认为给我更低一点的价位是合理的。 4. this is a reasonable price for its good quality. 它的质量很好,价钱也合情合理。 5. why this one is cheaper than the blae? 为什么这件要比那件黑色的便宜? 6. the zipper of this jacket doesn't work well. i have it with a cheaper price? 这件夹克的拉链不好用,能便宜点卖给我吗? 货比三家哪儿最好 dialogue lucy wants to buy a pair of cheap but goodquality boots. 露西想买一双便宜但质量好的长筒靴。 lucy: there are so many shoe shops here. 露西:这儿的鞋店真多。 tom: yes, here's the shoe business mansion. 汤