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Glossary (第19/27页)
ots). plackless, penniless. plaiden, coarse woolen cloth. plaister, plaster. plenish'd, stocked. pleugh, plelow. pliskie, a trick. pliver, a plover. pock, a poke, a bag, a wallet. poind, to seize, to distrain, to impound. poortith, poverty. pou, to pull. pouch, pocket. pouk, to poke. poupit, pulpit. pouse, a push. poussie, a hare (also a cat). pouther, powther, powder. pouts, chicks. pow, the poll, the head. pownie, a pony. pow't, pulled. pree'd, pried (proved), tasted. preen, a pin. prent, print. prie, to taste. prief, proof. priggin, haggling. primsie, dim. of prim, precise. proveses, provosts. pu', to pull. puddock-stools, toadstools, mushrooms. puir, poor. pun', pund, pound. pursie, dim. of purse. pussie, a hare. pyet, a magpie. pyke, to pick. pyles, grains. quat, quit, quitted. quean, a young woman, a lass. queir, choir. quey, a young cow. quietlin-wise, quietly. quo', quod, h. rab, rob. rade, rode. raep, a rope. ragweed, ragwort. raibles, recites by rote. rair, to roar. rairin, r. rair't, roared. raise, rase, rose. raize, to excite, anger. ramfeezl'd, exhausted. ramgunshoch, surly. ram-stam, headlong. randie, lawless, obstreperous. randie, randy, a sdrel, a rascal. rant, to rollick, to roister. rants, merry meetings; rows. rape, v. raep. raploch, homespun. rash, a rush. rash-buss, a clump of rushes. rashy, rushy. rattan, rattoon, a rat. rattohe rat-quay. raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy. raught, reached. raw, a row. rax, to stretch, to extend. ream, cream, foam. ream, to cream, to foam. reave, to rob. rebute, rebuff. red, advised, afraid. red, rede, to