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Glossary (第20/27页)
advise, to sel. red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod. red-wud, stark mad. reek, smoke. reekie, reeky, smoky. reestit, scorched. reestit, refused to go. reif, theiving. remead, remedy. rickles, small stacks of in the fields. rief, plunder. rig, a ridge. riggin, the roof-tree, the roof. rigwoodie, lean. rin, to run. ripp, a handful of from the sheaf. ripplin-kame, the wool or flax b. riskit, cracked. rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst. rock, a distaff. ro, a social meeting. roon, round, shred. roose, to praise, to flatter. roose, reputation. roosty, rusty. rottan, a rat. roun', round. roupet, exhausted in voice. routh, v. rowth. routhie, well-stocked. row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to . rowte, to low, to bellow. rowth, plenty, a store. rozet, resin. run-deils, dht devils. rung, a cudgel. runkl'd, wrinkled. runt, a cabbage or colewort stalk. ryke, to reach. sab, to sob. sae, so. saft, soft. sair, sore, hard, severe, strong. sair, to serve. sair, sairly, sorely. sairie, sorrowful, sorry. sall, shall. sandy, sannack, dim. of alexander. sark, a shirt. saugh, the willow. saul, soul. saumont, sawmont, the salmon. saunt, saint. saut, salt. saut-backets, v. backets. saw, to sow. sawney, v. sandy. sax, six. scar, to scare. scar, v. scaur. scathe, scaith, damage; v. skaith. scaud, to scald. scaul, scold. scauld, to scold. scaur, afraid; apt to be scared. scaur, a jutting rock or bank of earth. scho, she. se, a soft flour cake. ser, disgust. ser, si. scrai, calling hoarsely. screed, a rip, a rent. screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle. scrie, screeg. scriegh, skriegh, v. skriegh