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Glossary (第27/27页)
ose. what for, whatfore, wherefore. whatna, what. what reck, what matter; heless. whatt, whittled. , the curlew. whaur, where. wheep, v. penny-wheep. wheep, jerk. whid, a fib. whiddin, scudding. whids, gambols. whigmeleeries, crotches. whingin, whining. whins, furze. whirlygigums, flourishes. whist, silence. whissle, whistle. whitter, a draft. whittle, a knife. wi', with. wick a bore, hit a curling-stone obliquely and send it through an opening. wi's, with his. wi't, with it. widdifu', gallows-worthy. widdle, wriggle. wiel, eddy. wight, strong, stout. wighter, more iial. willcat wildcat. willyart, disordered. wimple, to meander. win, won. winn, to winnow. winna, will not. winnin, winding. winnock, window. winnock-bunker, v. bunker. win't, did wind. wintle, a somersault. wio stagger; to swing; tle. winze, a curse. wiss, wish. won, to dwell. wonner, a wonder. woo', wool. woodie, woody, a rope (inally of withes); a gallows rope. woodies, twigs, withes. wooer-babs, love-knots. wordy, worthy. worset, worsted. worth, v. wae worth. wraith, ghost. wrang, wrong. wud, wild, mad. wumble, wimble. wyliecoat, undervest. wyte (weight), blame. wyte, to blame; to reproach. yard, a garden; a stackyard. yaud, an old mare. yealings, coevals. yell, dry (milkless). yerd, earth. yerkit, jerked. yerl, earl. ye'se, ye shall. yestreen, last night. yett, a gate. yeuk, to itch. yill, ale. yill-caup, ale-stoup. yird, yearth, earth. yokin, yoking; a spell; a day's work. yon, yonder. 'yont, beyond. yowe, ewe. yowie, dim. of eet ewe. yule, christmas. 追-更:xs85. (woo18.vip)