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Glossary (第26/27页)
. usquabae, usquebae, whisky. vauntie, proud. vera, very. virls, rings. vittle, victual, grain, food. vogie, vain. wa', waw, a wall. wab, a web. wabster, a weaver. wad, to wager. wad, to wed. wad, would, would have. wad'a, would have. wadna, would not. wadset, a me. wae, woful, sorrowful. wae, wo; wae's me = wo is to me. waesucks, alas! wae worth, wo befall. wair, v. ware. wale, to choose. wale, choice. walie, wawlie, choice, ample, large. , to kick; to dao gallop; to dance. waly fa', ill befall! wame, the belly. wamefou, bellyful. wan, won. wancie, dangerous. wafu', restless. ware, wair, to spend; bestow. ware, worn. wark, work. wark-lume, tool. warl', warld, world. warlock, a wizard warl'y, warldly, worldly. warran, warrant. warse, worse. warsle, warstle, wrestle. wast, west. wastrie, waste. wat, wet. wat, wot, know. water-fit, water-foot (the river's mouth). water-kelpies, v. kelpies. wauble, to wobble. waught, a draft. wauk, to awake. wauken, to awaken. waukin, awake. waukit (with toil), horny. waukrife, wakeful. waulie, jolly. waur, worse. waur, to worst. waur't, worsted, beat. wean (wee one), a child. weanies, babies. weason, weasand. wecht, a measure for . wee, a little; a wee = a short space or time. wee things, children. weel, well. weel-faured, well-favored. weel-gaun, well-going. weel-hain'd, well-saved. weepers, ms (oeeve or hat). werena, were not. we'se, we shall. westliern. wha, who. whaizle, wheeze. et, whelped. wham, whom. whan, when. whang, a shive. whang, flog. whar, whare, where. wha's whose. wha's, who is. whase, wh