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02 民以食为天 (第3/6页)
minutes. when crabs turn red, almost ready. very simple, right? 麦琪:然后用棉线把蟹腿绑起来,蒸12分钟。当蟹变红了,就差不多好了。很简单,对吧? lucas: yeah, it's much easier than i thought. 卢卡斯:是呀,比我想象得简单多了。 notes 1. oven ['?v?n] n. 烤箱,烤炉 2. utterly ['?t?li] adv. 完全,全然,绝对 3. steamed [sti:md] adj. 蒸熟的 4. ingredient [in'gri:di?nt] n. 成分;原料,配料;因素 5. scrub [skr?b] n. 用力擦洗;矮树;渺小之物;v. 用力擦洗 6. ginger ['d?ind??] n. 姜,姜根;精力;姜黄色;v. 用姜调味 7. basil ['b?zil] n. 罗勒(芳香的草本植物) 8. sprinkle ['spri?kl] v. 洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;n. 少量散布的屑状物 小贴士 in terms of ese food, it is popularly known that ese cuisine is worldfamous for its perfebination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”. ese cuisiakes into sideration the sele of raw materials, the texture of food,the blending of seasonings, slig teiques, the perfect timing of cooking and the art of laying out the food on the plate. among the best-known schools of ese ary traditiohe tonese cuisine of the south, the shandong cuisine of the north, the huaiyang cuisine of the east and the si cuisine of the west. these four major varieties of ese food have been traditionally noted as “the light flavor of the south, the salty flavor of the north, the sweet flavor of the east and the spicy-hot flavor of the west”. 说起中餐,人们都知道中餐烹饪以其“色、香、味、形”俱全而著称于世。中餐烹饪讲究原料的选配、食物的质地、佐料的调制、切菜的刀工、适时的烹调以及装盘艺术。最负盛名的中餐菜系有南方的粤菜、北方的鲁菜、东部的淮扬菜和西部的川菜,素有“南淡北咸,东甜西辣”之特点。 预订餐桌要提早 dialogue the department garner is w in decides to go pig out after the project is fihe manager asks garo make a reservation in a restaurant ahead of time. 加纳所在的部门在工程完工后决定出去大吃一顿。经理让加纳提前在一家饭店预订餐位。 waiter: good m, this is hilton hotel. may i help