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Glossary (第21/27页)
. scrievin, careering. scrimpit, sty. scroggie, scroggy, scrubby. sculdudd'ry, bawdry. see'd, saw. seisins, freehold possessions. sel, sel', sell, self. sell'd, sell't, sold. semple, simple. sen', send. set, to set off; to start. set, sat. sets, bees. shachl'd, shapeless. shaird, shred, shard. shanagan, a cleft stick. shanna, shall not. shaul, shallow. shaver, a funny fellow. shavie, trick. shaw, a wood. shaw, to show. shearer, a reaper. sheep-shank, a sheep's trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a person of no small importance. sheerly, wholly. sheers, scissors. sherra-moor, sheriffmuir. sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter. sheuk, shook. shiel, a shed, cottage. shill, shrill. shog, a shake. shool, a shovel. shoon, shoes. shore, to offer, to threaten. short syne, a little while ago. shouldna, should not. shouther, showther, shoulder. shure, shore (did shear). sic, such. si, such a. sicker, steady, certain; sicker score = strict ditions. sidelins, sideways. siller, silver; money in general. simmer, summer. sin, son. sin', since. sindry, sundry. si, singed, shriveled. sinn, the sun. sinny, sunny. skaith, damage. skeigh, skiegh, skittish. skellum, a good-for-nothing. skelp, a slap, a smack. skelp, to spank; skelpin at it = driving at it. skelpie-limmer's-face, a teical term in female scolding (r. b.). skelvy, shelvy. skiegh, v. skeigh. skinking, watery. skinklin, glittering. skirl, to cry or sound shrilly. sklent, a slant, a turn. sklent, to slant, to squint, to cheat. skouth, scope. skriech, a scream. skriegh, to scream, to whinny. skyrin, flaring. skyte, squirt, lash. slade, slid. slae, the s