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Glossary (第22/27页)
loe. slap, a brea a fence; a gate. slaw, slow. slee, sly, ingenious. sleekit, sleek, crafty. slidd'ry, slippery. sloken, to slake. slypet, slipped. sma', small. smeddum, a powder. smeek, smoke. smiddy, smithy. smoor'd, smothered. smoutie, smutty. smytrie, a small colle; a litter. snakin, sneering. snap smart. so stumble. snash, abuse. snaw, snow. snaw-broo, snow-brew (melted snow). so lop, to prune. sneeshin mill, a snuff-box. snell, bitter, biting. snick, a latch; snick-drawing = scheming; he weel a snick draw = he is good at cheating. snirtle, to snigger. snoods, fillets worn by maids. snool, te, to snub. so go slowly. snowkit, snuffed. sodger, soger, a soldier. sonsie, sonsy, pleasant, good-natured, jolly. soom, to swim. soor, sour. sough, v. sugh. souk, suck. soupe, sup, liquid. souple, supple. souter, cobbler. sowens, pe of oat flour. sowps, sups. sowth, to hum or whistle in a low tune. sowther, to solder. spae, to foretell. spails, chips. spairge, to splash; to spatter. spak, spoke. spates, floods. spavie, the spavin. spavit, spavined. spean, to wean. speat, a flood. speel, to climb. speer, spier, to ask. speet, to spit. spehe parlor. spier. v. speer. spleu, pouch. splore, a frolic; a carousal. sprachl'd, clambered. sprattle, scramble. spreckled, speckled. spring, a quick tune; a dance. sprittie, full of roots or sprouts (a kind of rush). sprush, spruce. spunk, a match; a spark; fire, spirit. spunkie, full of spirit. spunkie, liquor, spirits. spunkies, jack-o'-lanterns, will-o'-wisps. spurtle-blade, the pot-stick. squatter, to flap. squattle, to squat; to settle. stacher,