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Glossary (第23/27页)
to totter. staggie, dim. of staig. staig, a young horse. stan', stand. staone. stan't, stood. stang, sting. stank, a moat; a pond. stap, to stop. stapple, a stopper. stark, strong. starnies, dim. of starn, star. starns, stars. startle, to course. staumrel, half-witted. staw, a stall. staw, to surfeit; to si. staw, stole. ste, cramming. steek, a stitch. steek, to shut; to close. steek, to shut; to touch, meddle with. steeve, pact. stell, a still. sten, a leap; a spring. sten't, sprang. stented, erected; set on high. stents, assessments, dues. steyest, steepest. stibble, stubble. stibble-rig, chief reaper. sti-stowe, pletely. stilt, limp (with the aid of stilts). stimpart, a quarter peck. stirk, a young bullock. stock, a plant of cabbage; colewort. stoited, stumbled. stoiter'd, staggered. stoor, harsh, stern. stoun', pang, throb. stoure, dust. stourie, dusty. stown, stolen. stownlins, by stealth. stoyte, to stagger. strae death, death in bed. (i. e., on straw). staik, to stroke. strak, struck. strang, strong. straught, straight. straught, to stretch. streekit, stretched. striddle, to straddle. stron't, lanted. strunt, liquor. strunt, to swagger. studdie, an anvil. stumpie, dim. of stump; a worn quill. sturt, worry, trouble. sturt, to fret; to vex. sturtin, frighted, staggered. styme, the fairace. sucker, sugar. sud, should. sugh, sough, sigh, moan, wail, swish. sumph, churl. sune, soon. suthron, southern. swaird, sward. swall'd, swelled. swank, limber. swankies, strapping fellows. s, exge. sed, swopped, exged. swarf, to swoon. swat, sweated. swatch, sample. swat