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Glossary (第24/27页)
s, new ale. sweer, v. dead-sweer. swirl, curl. swirlie, twisted, knaggy. swith, haste; off and away. swither, doubt, hesitation. swoom, swim. swoor, swore. sybow, a young union. syne, sihen. tack, possession, lease. tacket, shoe-nail. tae, to. tae, toe. tae'd, toed. taed, toad. taen, taken. taet, small quantity. tairge, tet. tak, take. tald, told. tane, one in trast to other. tangs, tongs. tap, top. tapetless, senseless. tapmost, topmost. tappet-hen, a crested hen-shaped bottle holding three quarts of claret. tap-pickle, the grain at the top of the stalk. topsalteerie, topsy-turvy. targe, to examine. tarrow, to tarry; to be relut, to murmur; to weary. tassie, a goblet. tauk, talk. tauld, told. tawie, tractable. tawpie, a foolish woman. tawted, matted. teats, small quantities. teeion. tell'd, told. temper-pin, a fiddle-peg; the regulating pin of the spinning-wheel. tent, heed. tent, to tend; to heed; to observe. tentie, watchful, careful, heedful. tentier, more watchful. tentless, careless. tester, an old silver about sixpen value. teugh, tough. teuk, took. thack, thatch; thad rape = the c of a house, and so, home ies. thae, those. thairm, small guts; catgut (a fiddle-string). theckit, thatched. thegither, together. thick, v. pa' thick. thieveless, forbidding, spiteful. thiggin, begging. thir, these. thirl'd, thrilled. thole, to eo suffer. thou'se, thou shalt. thowe, thaw. thowless, lazy, useless. thrang, busy; thronging in crowds. thrang, a throng. thrapple, the windpipe. thrave, twenty-four sheaves of . thraw, a twist. thraw, to twist; to turn; to thwart. thraws, throes. threap, mai