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Glossary (第25/27页)
ntain, argue. threesome, trio. thretteen, thirteen. thretty, thirty. thrissle, thistle. thristed, thirsted. through, mak th = make good. throu'ther (through other), pell-mell. thummart, polecat. thy lane, alone. tight, girt, prepared. till, to. till't, to it. timmer, timber, material. tio lose; to be lost. tiinker. tint, lost tippewopence. tip, v. toop. tirl, to strip. tirl, to knock for entrance. tither, the other. tittlin, whispering. tocher, dowry. tocher, to give a dowry. tude, marriage portion. tod, the fox. to-fa', the fall. toom, empty. toop, tup, ram. toss, the toast. toun, town; farm steading. tousie, shaggy. tout, blast. tow, flax, a rope. towmond, towmont, a twelvemonth. towsing, rumpling (equivocal). toyte, to totter. tozie, flushed with drink. trams, shafts. transmogrify, ge. trashtrie, small trash. trews, trousers. trig, , trim. trinklin, flowing. trihe wheel of a barrow. trogger, pa. troggin, wares. troke, to barter. trouse, trousers. trowth, in truth. trump, a jew's harp. tryste, a fair; a cattle-market. trysted, appointed. trysting, meeting. tulyie, tulzie, a squabble; a tussle. twa, two. twafauld, twofold, double. twal, twelve; the twal = twelve at night. tennie worth, a penny worth (english money). twang, twinge. twa-three, two or three. tway, two. twin, twio rob; to deprive; bereave. twistle, a twist; a sprain. tyke, a dog. tyne, v. tine. tysday, tuesday. ulzie, oil. uncy, dangerous. unco, remarkably, unonly, excessively. unco, remarkable, unon, terrible (sarcastic). uncos, news, strahings, wonders. unkend, unknown. unsicker, uain. unskaithed, unhurt